Staff Writers
Winter break is a time that almost all students look forward to. Unfortunately for most, teachers also assign work over that time that the students take to relax. After taking your responses on how you feel about homework over the break, we decide to give you tips on how to make it an easier and faster task.
Spreading out work and choosing which days to do certain assignments is a great way to lessen stress and make the work seem so much easier. This also ensures that nobody will have multiple assignments all pushed back to Sunday night. You guys may also want to try and not do a whole assignment all at once, take a little bit of each and then it won’t feel like you have been working on something forever.
Although some may hate not finishing an assignment when they start it, there is another option. Instead of picking a few questions from each to do one day, designate certain days for certain classes. Taking one day for a class is a great way to organize everything and make sure that you don’t miss anything.
Good luck, and happy holidays!