Jacob McCloskey
Staff Writer
While most classes teach us semi-relevant information that we’re likely to forget, AP Psych students are learning possibly the most relevant information to our age: Intelligence. The topic is not only about intelligence itself, but the important topic around it: Testing. While it would be unreasonable to spoil all of the information gone over in AP Psych, the content at this point of the year is arguably the most practical content from any class available.
The history of intelligence is very brief. Intelligence is a fully man-made concept, so it is difficult to interpret. The concept, kicking off no earlier than the 19th century, is still controversial. Many important psychologists believe intelligence is one single measurable unit, called general intelligence. Others believe that intelligence consists of multiple factors, like creativity, spatial ability, etc. This man-made concept of intelligence has kicked off to become the most important factor in determining one’s future, despite the fact that many cannot even agree on what it is.
Also beginning less than 300 years ago, the concept of testing began when a psychologist named Alfred Binet wanted to measure how easily young children were learning, in hopes that any issues identified could be more easily corrected early in life. Others elaborated upon this concept and built it up until testing became more widespread. Now, tests can be used in two ways: Aptitude tests, such as Binet’s test or the SAT which measure how well one is capable of learning, and achievement tests, which measure how well one has learned information in the past.
With course selection happening in the near future, it would make sense to consider taking AP Psych if you are an . Though it is a content-heavy course, the content is relevant, with units relating to memory, thinking, problem solving, personality, testing, etc. Covering the functions of the brain, the curriculum goes deep into the most complex part of the human, teaching us about what makes us us.
If you want to learn more about the AP Psych course, come to a meeting on Feb. 4th in Mrs. Anderson’s room at lunch or after school.