Monday, October 31, 2016

Top 3 DIY Costumes for under $10

Jen Abele and Kelly Hyland
Staff Writers

BOO! Halloween is quickly approaching and it is time to start planning out your Halloween costume. Here are three costumes that you already have in your closet for your costume this year. Happy Halloween!

Kim Possible
Materials: Black turtle neck shirt, belt, green pants, black gloves, and black shoes.
Dress up as this iconic Disney character and you will be saving the day in no time!

Social Media Icons
Materials: Wear clothes that have the background color of your selected social media icon. For example, if the social media icon is Snapchat, then the proper color would be yellow. Then print out the social media icon to the size of your liking, and attach it to your clothing.

Girl Scout/Boy Scout
Materials: Girl scouts wear vests for their specific age group. The famous green vest is for juniors, blue is for daisies, brown is for brownies, and beige is for cadets. If you were ever a girl scout, then you can reuse your vest in the back of your closet. If you weren’t a girl scout, then you can cut some felt into the shape of a vest or sash. Then design your own patches out of paper, and attach to a white felt circle. Cover the white felt and then sew or hot glue the patches to the vest! Wear anything you want under your vest. Peace out girl scout!
Boy scouts wear a beige shirt with various patches, a green vest full of badges, a scarf with a pin, socks, sneakers, green cargo shorts, or green pants with a belt. The badges can be replicated by printing them out, placing them onto felt, and hot gluing them to a button-down beige shirt. You can use a single-colored bandana to use as a scarf, and then pin it in the center. Create medals for various scout awards out of ribbon, attach a photo to felt, and place it onto the ribbon.

Dress up as these creative DIY costumes this year! Enjoy your Halloween New Hope Lions!

2016 Halloween Costume Design Suggestions

Rhys McCollum
Staff Writer

This October with everything such as homecoming, elections and CBA’s people may lose thought about what is really important. You may ask yourself what I am talking about. I am talking about Halloween, but more specifically what costume to wear. With this step by step tutorial I will insure that you are looking fresh in your brand new, stylish Halloween costume. Without the backlash of outraged people.
 Let's start with the basics. This year a clown costume is almost a definite no. One of the reasons that I am saying almost is because if you want to go around and scare random people that might be fun to you (Still not a good idea). The rest of why I am saying not to wear a clown costume is because you are most likely going to get harassed or even injured from the other crazy people trying to hunt you. If you are going for a cheaper alternative you could always just wear a colored shirt and say you are a banana or grape but everyone get’s tired of that after about five minutes. One good idea of a costume is the Ken Bone look. This costume should be popular this year, but it will set you back a bit of money. If you want to buy a high quality sweater and glasses you can, but you could always just create your own spin off of Ken Bone . A very popular costume to use this year is dressing up as the presidential candidates. This can range from just a mask of Trump to a full out suit and red tie to go along. Wearing your prefered candidate as a costume might outrage some people, but in most cases you should be fine. If none of my ideas so far have sparked your interest you could always just make your own costume from scratch. Doing so is a process, but it is easier than you think. All you need is an idea some time and money. If you do decide to make your own costume try to stay away from mainstream designs that you could just buy at the store.

 This Halloween is going to be big so, what you just read should not be taken lightly. With my guide on what to wear you should be the center of attention at all times, so this Halloween make sure to take time to prepare a luxurious costume for onlookers to gaze upon.

Friday, October 28, 2016

In Memoriam: New Hope's Scott Petrie

Alexandra Buchler
Staff Writer

Mr. Scott W. Petrie, 56, was a night time custodian at New Hope-Solebury who tragically passed away on Sunday, Oct. 16 in a fatal motorcycle accident in Hanover Township.
 Petrie was riding his motorcycle when he was struck by an SUV and was rushed to St. Luke’s University Hospital in Fountain Hill. Sadly, Scott Petrie was pronounced dead at 1:24 p.m. due to blunt force trauma. Petrie’s death was ruled as an accident. Police say the Ford Explorer was heading south and failed to yield. This resulted in a collision between the motorcycle and the SUV. The police have not released the SUV driver's name as of now.
 After an interview conducted with a former coworker, Peter Rivera, we learned much more about Petrie. Rivera was generous enough to answer some questions about Petrie.
 “Scott was a charismatic, funny, strong, and trustworthy person. He talked a lot about the making of his birdhouses...” claimed Rivera. Scott Petrie spent a lot of time building birdhouses as well as other projects for himself and other people. “He enjoyed bringing in pictures of his work to show to everyone.” said Rivera.

 Scott Petrie came to work in April of 2010, and has been here for a little over six years. All of his friends and coworkers dubbed him as a very engaging, approachable and generous person who is always trying to better the lives of people around around him, especially the students. He expressed his innovative ideas and will be greatly missed by his family, friends, and coworkers. According to Rivera, there is talk of planting a tree in commemoration of him, but this is not final yet. Scott Petrie’s funeral was held Saturday, Oct. 22. His memory will live on in the hearts of his wife and three children. Scott Petrie will be greatly missed at New Hope-Solebury.

Remembering 9/11: 15 Year Anniversary

Krupa Shah
Staff Writer

Tears, vows, and tragic memories consumed the emotional ceremonies Sunday at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a rural field in western Pennsylvania marking the 15th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack in U.S. history.
 Bells rang out across the country at 8:46 A.M EST, the moment the first plane struck the North Tower. Thousands of people gathered here as family members and friends. After a moment of silence, the names of approximately 3,000 victims were read aloud and each presenter gave insight into each of their losses.
 At the Pentagon President Obama participated in the wreath ceremony that paid tribute to the 184 victims killed when Flight 77 flew into the western part of the massive building. In his speech President Obama stated, “No deed we do can ever truly erase the pain of their absence.Your steadfast love and faithfulness has been an inspiration to me and our entire country.” 9/11 is a day that will infamy.
 Approximately seven days later, several pressure cooker bombs filled with shrapnel and Christmas lights rocked the neighborhood of Chelsea in the southern part of Manhattan. However, only one bomb went off while the other failed to detonate. Twenty-nine people were injured in the first blast mainly due to shrapnel wounds. Both bombs were designed to create maximum chaos and fatalities. The bomb that exploded was found on 23rd Street while the other undetonated bomb was found on 27th Street. In a news conference Governor Andrew Cuomo stated, “This is one of the nightmare scenarios. We are really lucky that there have been no fatalities.”
 A few days later another bomb was found in the Elizabeth, New Jersey. Law enforcement claimed there was a link between both bombs. They were right. A few days later the man who caused terror across two states, Ahmad Khan Rahami, was arrested in Linden, New Jersey. The arrest was culmination of a connect-the-dots manhunt grew in urgency and priority as the police and the F.B.I agents pieced together clues using high-tech investigative techniques and other types of detective work.
 Even with all of these clues, investigators are still in the earlier stages of trying to figure out the motive behind the attacks and why a street in Chelsea was one of the targets. One law enforcement official has stated that the bomb technicians involved in the investigations believe that Rahami constructed all of the devices, but that the handiwork raised the possibility that he may have had some assistance.  The FBI has also examined the devices created by Rahami to determine if he was inspired by any Islamic terrorist groups such as the Islamic State and have reported that there is no indication of a terrorist cell operating in the area.

 Recently, surveillance footage has been released showing two males with a suitcase that supposedly contained a wired pressure cooker bomb that they found in the street. Law enforcement is stressing the importance of both individuals. They are being sought as potential witnesses, not suspects, since investigators believe that they are in no way linked to Rahami. They have been identified and are currently out of the country. Authorities are trying to contact them for questioning.