Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Look Back on 2016, A Look Ahead on 2017

Jess Mullen
Staff Writer

With the conclusion of 2016 and a fresh start to 2017, students at New Hope-Solebury began to reflect on 2016, and look ahead to 2017 with New Year’s Resolutions in mind. Some students concluded 2016 with a successful mindset, while others were merely filled with stress. Likewise, students look to a new year as a new start to do new things, go new places, and meet new people, while others see 2017 as another year to drudge through. Some attack 2017 with a unique resolution and determine to keep it, while others have inevitably failed on the first week, and some who refuse to commit to a resolution.
 The winter solstice made the top of the list for some students in 2016, as well as the shared enjoyment of the summer olympics. Vacations of many kinds were also highlights of 2016 to many students. Some enjoyed adventures with family and friends, as well as traveling in general whether it be to a local beach or a foreign country. For those who play sports, winning districts was also a highlight. For others, family played a big part in highlights, such as becoming an aunt. A widely agreed upon favorite of 2016 was summer break as well as the time with friends and family that so wonderfully complements it.
 In 2017 students are looking forward to traveling to more places including the upcoming trip with the music department to Los Angeles. Again those who look forward to sports have in store upcoming seasons packed with tournaments. Summer mission trips are already being planned and those are greatly anticipated among students. There are already those students looking forward to summer, the completion of ACT’s, SAT’s, and college applications, and of course, those already excited to get another year of school out of the way.
 New Year’s Resolutions are some of the consistent, get into shape and eat better and be a nicer person resolutions. Some branch out to stop overreacting, make smarter decisions, and be more positive as well as getting out more, spending time with a more diverse group of people, and making individual needs a priority over making others happy. Some students wish to work on their religious studies such as reading the Bible. On the other hand, there are always those who never commit to a resolution.