Saturday, October 26, 2019

Excuse us, but how much time do you spend online?

Kaitlyn Ardite and Belinda Henry 
Staff Writers

When it comes to social media, how much is too much? A poll was taken of students who looked at their screen time and phone usage. In the past seven days most students have said they spend at least four hours or more per week on their devices,  highest being an overwhelming 53 hours. The apps that students used the most were Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and YouTube not far behind. The average time spent on the most used app was 1.7 hours. Being on your phone obviously takes up a lot of your time, but what about when you’re not on your phone? How many notifications do you get? Students said that they get anywhere from 20-243 notifications per day, 76 being the average.  
  So students spend a lot of time online. How do they feel about this? 70% of students said they liked social media, 20% said they were conflicted, and 10% of the students said they didn’t enjoy social media. If such a large percent of students liked social sites, why do 70% of them want to reduce the amount of time they spend on these platforms? Quite possibly people only say they want to reduce their time because “they want to be a better person”. Does anyone turn into a “bad person” after spending an extra hour scrolling through Twitter?
  We are pretty attached to social media, and we never realize how long we are on our phones until we see the numbers. While we do enjoy this time we spend online, it is often time that could have been spent participating in more fulfilling activities. There could, however, be a good reason for its influence in our lives. If you leave an app like Snapchat, you are immediately are out of the loop. People make plans, share stories, pictures, and thoughts on platforms like these. This is a major way we communicate now.
  Things are never going to be the way that they were. Most of us don’t share vacation pictures via slide projector anymore, or show up at someone’s house to hang out without texting first. Social media is definitely addicting, but it’s a big part of our lives.