Jacqui Vergis, Brooke Black, and Caroline Maloney
Staff Wirters
The 2015 student run Fall Festival was a very memorable one to say the least. Although many of our school’s fall sports and clubs came out to support and raise money for New Hope extracurriculars, it was clear that the event on a whole was very lightly attended. Why?
Firstly, we need to acknowledge the incredible efforts of the student government and clubs that organized this event. From the side of the students working and planning the event, it was a job well done! The “fail” aspect of the event was not the students running it, but the lack of representation from the rest of New Hope students. We interviewed students and asked for their opinions.
Claire Dougherty, a junior at NHS said “There should have been a greater turnout from students, because the whole point of the fest was to raise money for our school’s extracurriculars.” What was the reason behind the lack of attendance? Jacob McCloskey, another junior at NHS, said, “I felt as though the majority of the people there were working it, but not participating in the fun”. Each club had representatives at each stand, and that seemed to be the majority of the people there.
Those who did attend had a great time- how could you not! There was delicious treats and sweets, fun games, and prizes! But, the lack of participation from the students was disappointing. Alex Lotier, among other students, was personally disappointed by the lack of show from his peers and says “It didn’t live up to my expectations.”
To all of the students sitting at home while the fun fall festivities were happening- you really missed out! A highlight of the day was when the Lambertville Ramblers made an exciting entrance across our field. These kids strutted confidently through our festival with bagpipes in hand. Clay Asplundh says “I felt like I was in Scotland!”. What a great surprise!
Thanks to the lack of support and attendance from the students, this year’s Fall Fest was a Fail Fest. To those working and supporting the fest, thank you for your hard work and incredible execution! To the rest of the student body, FAIL.