Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Snow days prove to be a student’s favorite news item

Kayla Paul-Koch
Staff Writer

After 10 days away from school for winter break, students grudgingly went back to school on Jan. 2. As if almost two weeks away wasn’t enough, when students heard about the possible snow storm hitting New Hope they prayed for a snow day.
  To the students’ joy there were two snow days in a row resulting in a four day weekend. And if that wasn’t enough for students, the next week there was an early dismissal on Monday and a two hour delay on Tuesday.
  “I was excited because we didn’t have school and I didn’t have to do any work!” said sophomore Sarah Block.
  On the contrary, Freshman Kevin O’Brien said “I was excited in the moment, but now I’m frustrated with the amount of makeup work I have to do from the days we had off.”
 The end of the second marking period is creeping up on Jan. 26, creating extra stress for students and teachers to makeup the time lost. Students have been dealing with a heavy load of new information to get in before the start of a new quarter.