Friday, September 16, 2016

Take the stress out of applying to college

Adrian Roji and Matt Cabelus
Staff Writers

 We hope all seniors have finished their SAT, SAT 2’s or ACT because it is almost time to submit those college applications. Juniors have to be ready to perform at their highest level when taking these tests in the near future. These tests are a key part of the college admission process, but much more goes into being selected than just the test scores. Work experience, volunteerism, sports, and other extracurricular activities are factors that play a major role as well. The application process is much more intricate than one might think. In order to even apply, there are many components that go into the long methodical process. A common misconception among high school students is that the college search process begins and ends with completing the application. However, searching and choosing the best college for you also involves knowing when to apply, deciding whether to apply early decision, crafting college essays, and preparing for interviews with admissions officials.  
 The Common Application is the way to go when applying in any form and is available at When applying to college the Common App is the most accessible to colleges and universities nationwide and worldwide. This site allows students to complete the entire application once and use that application for every college they wish to apply to. It is so convenient that it notifies people when important dates are on the horizon. This allows students to stay on track and not miss any deadlines. These guidelines will help provide a smooth process when applying to school and alleviate some of the stress that everyone experiences when considering colleges.

 But do not worry! Every student in New hope will go to college if they want to. Getting into college isn't as competitive as people think. Fewer than 100 colleges in the U.S. are highly selective, which means they accept less than 25 percent of applicants. Close to 500 four-year colleges accept more than 75 percent of applicants, and open admissions colleges accept all or most high school graduates. There are so many possibilities out there to the point that everyone is in good hands after high school. Even with this basic guarantee, choosing your school might be the most important decision you will make in your life so far, so make sure you have the right tools to guide you along the way.