Friday, May 16, 2014

Sophomores Get Lucky on Service Project

Taylor Selbst and Katie Tangradi
Staff Writers

For the class of 2016 and their successors, the culminating project will be like nothing like what their predecessors experienced. In the past, students were instructed to pick a career, find a mentor, and spend twenty field hours with them. While spending this time with the mentor, each student kept a journal and took many photos. After a few essays were completed, the students presented their experience to a few selected teachers with a pass or fail outcome. The new culminating project has the class of 2016 completing 20 hours of community service by the end of senior year. From the class of 2017 and beyond those students must complete 30 hours of community service.
 The purpose of the new service project is to extend learning beyond the classroom and into the community. It is designed to advance responsible citizenship through active participation by students and encourage volunteerism in the future.For further information visit the webpage under Departments tab then Community Service.
 In order to complete the project, students have to record their community service and hand it in to their homeroom teachers on specific dates. The community service website has instructions to guide students throughout the process. After they complete their hours, students have to complete a journal to talk about all of the service they had completed. The past culminating project was required to do a journal as well. After that, students have to create a presentation, which is a brief summary of their journal and present it in front of his/her assigned homeroom. This project is a graduation requirement and is very important.