Brooke Black, Jacqui Vergis, and Catherine Donahue
Staff Writers
The Eagle Fire Company will host our school’s first annual Winter Formal dance on Dec. 18. This dance is quite different in comparison to dances previously known amongst New Hope Students, for it includes not only a dinner and a DJ, but also a Lion King nomination pageant for students to participate in and enjoy.
The Lion King event started with every grade level choosing their three kings, and the top three votes of every grade were nominated to win the Lion King Pageant. To prepare for the pageant, the nominees have to learn a dance choreographed by Kathleen Tangradi which they will be performing at the dance for everyone to see!
The winners will be chosen the night of the dance. Run by the officers of the sophomore class, this event has undergone months of planning in hopes of an excellent school wide turnout, with many students excited for its arrival. Kathleen Tangradi says, “I hope everything turns out fabulous, I can’t wait to spend time with my girls and even my boys out on the dance floor. I am also excited for all the scrumptious food to choose from.”
The price for this event depends on the time of purchase. Tickets are $20 for underclassmen, $15 for juniors, and $10 for seniors. At first, the tickets were going to bump up to $25 during the week of Dec. 7-11, and anytime after Dec. 11, tickets were going to be $30. Sadly, many students were not as excited as Kathleen, and students did not sign up in enough time causing ticket prices to be lowered, meaning that a large profit will not be made. Hopefully, next year the event will become more of an instant success.
If there is a good turnout, students, teachers, and class officers alike are hoping for more winter formals to come in the future. Most think that the Lion King pageant will be a hit, which hopefully will trigger even more excitement. Overall, the Winter Formal will succeed as long as the students of New Hope show the same enthusiasm they do for almost every other school-sponsored event.